Communicate with confidence

We all communicate, but sometimes we lack confidence. Particularly when the stakes are high.

We might be preparing to meet a new client, deliver a speech to a large audience or interview for a new job.

As an experienced coach, I can help you communicate with confidence and be the best version of you.

I can help you prepare, teach you techniques to deliver more effectively and show you how important active listening can be to achieving a successful outcome.

Remember, confidence is not something you simply have or don’t have – it comes from working at it.

“I was nervous about a promotion interview. I was on maternity leave and there was fierce competition for the role. Angela helped me prepare. She rehearsed with me and showed me ways to stay calm so that I could think better on my feet. Her coaching made all the difference. I got the job.” Private Client, Not-for-profit sector

“As a new startup we were brimming with ideas and enthusiasm. But when we landed our first pitch meeting with a major potential client, we felt daunted. Angela reviewed our presentation, helped us to refine our key messages and made us practice our delivery until we could clearly explain the technical aspects of our new product to a non technical audience. It worked. In a one hour meeting, we secured their commitment to a pilot scheme.” CEO, Skyrad Ltd, Environmental start-up

I meet clients in person or alternatively can give advice by phone or facetime.

Contact me to get started.